Barry is running out of material. The GunwitchAndBarryKirkey.aregaylovers.com------GunwitchAndBarryKirkey.aregaylovers.com------GunwitchAndBarryKirkey.aregaylovers.com------GunwitchAndBarryKirkey.aregaylovers.com------stan show lol.... it was pretty funny but got boring fast after the word penis was mentioned one to many times.
Friday, March 27, 2009
the show got old when he deleted teh forums, he really killed his fuchen self with that move and the gurus knew that it would be the case so they manipulated berry into doing it. lol, cameron theone must be laughing his ass off along with savoy/mehow/tyler etc, at how that shit turned out for berry
now his show is BBBBBBORING as fuck. same old tired ass shit.
such a shame that he is as dumb as a brick